It is well known matter that French like their foods and they have a passion for cooking. Moreover, French cultural wisdom has a connection with this subject. If you pin your ears back to the proverbs in French language, you will get a clear idea.
As you most likely know, proverbs are a collection of expressions that from time to time come off as mysterious and strange to non-natives. It is true that proverbs sound like riddles and most of them try to tell a universal fact about the world or lifecycle. Besides, most of the proverbs give a message to the readers.
Studying proverbs is a best method to give an impression that you are a native and to know the things that local French utterers say. As proverbs are metaphorical terminologies and their meaning may rely on the circumstances, but studying them will be handy for you always.
Similarly, proverbs pave the way for learning vocabulary, and their commanding and proper language lets students to learn common phrases that specify what somebody should or shouldn’t do, for example il faut (it is essential) and on ne peut pas (one cannot).
Similar to other foreign languages, there are many proverbs in French and the point that several use food as a means of passing their message will inspire you to study them. Here are some of the prominent French Proverbs about Food.
1. Il faut casser le noyau pour avoir l’amande.
The English conversion of this proverb is “One must breakdown the shell to get the almond.” We may feel a disparity, as most of the almonds we purchase at the grocery store will not have the shell. The proverb “No pain, no gain” will be the English equivalent.
2. On ne fait pas d’omelette sans casser des œufs.
This expression has connection with the previous proverb. “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs-” will be the English equivalent for this proverb. The essence of this proverb is if you want to be successful, you have to do some sacrifices.
3. On ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre.
If you read between the lines, this proverb says like this “you can’t have butter plus the money from the butter.” “You can’t have your cake and eat it too” will be the English equivalent for this. It says that in certain circumstances, the choice will play a pivotal role and it will not permit you to select a path where you enjoy all results.
4. Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai qui tu es.
It is true that this proverb is a bit verbose. “I will tell you who you are, if you tell what you eat”- will be the literal meaning of this proverb.” Anyhow, this proverb can be used to define unhealthy eating habits. “You are what you eat”- will be the exact English translation of this proverb.”
So, don’t waste your precious time after your French language classes in Bangalore. Equip yourself by learning these types of proverbs. These proverbs will be easy to learn and will make the path easier for understanding the metaphorical language used in daily native French chat.