It is a well-known fact Japanese people don’t travel around saying “sayounara.” Sayounara (さようなら ) is the Japanese equivalent of goodbye, but is not usually used by locals in Japan. In fact, sayounara also gives the message that you may not meet someone for quite some time.
It’s extremely good if you can understand how to speak courteously. This article will be very useful for you and you can make use this write up after your Online Language Training Classes. The article will make you safe from uttering wrong goodbye Japanese phrases.
How to Say Goodbye in Japanese: Suitable Expressions
1. 行って来ます (いってきます, itte kimasu) – I’m leaving
行って来ます (itte kimasu) is used while you are leaving home. Factually it “go and come back.” It is generally shouted out as you slip your shoes on in the 玄 関 (げんかん, genkan), or the entry way of the house. The apt reply is 行ってらっしゃ い (いってらっしゃい, itte rashai), or “go and come back.”
2. バイバイ (ばいばい, bai bai) – Bye
You might have seen young people, particularly girls using the English expression: バイバイ (bai bai). If you are a guy, don’t use it. It is because バイバイ (bai bai) sounds like feminine.
3. また明日 (またあした, mata ashita) – See you
There are numerous phrases that can be used while you meet a person again. The phrases like また明日 (mata ashita), see you tomorrow, or また来週 (またらいしゅう , mata raishu), see you next week are typical examples for this. They can’t be taken into consideration as substitutes for the formal phrases mentioned above. The phrases like また明日 (mata ashita), see you tomorrow, or また来週 (またらいしゅ う, mata raishu) are still considered as casual forms.
4. 気をつけて (きをつけて, ki wo tsukete) – Take
The parting phrase in Japanese 気をつけて (ki wo tsukete) is similar to the parting phrase in English “take care”. You can use this phrase when somebody is leaving your house or someone is going on a long vacation
5. お大事に (おだいじに, odaiji ni) – Get well soon
“お大事に (おだいじに, odaiji ni)- Get well soon” is used to say see you to somebody who is sick.
6. 元気で (げんきで, genki de) – All the best
If somebody is going on a long trip or shifting to a different location or you won’t be meeting them for years, then you should say 元気で (genki de). It is similar to the English expression “take care of yourself,” or “all the best.”